A belated post about feature on The Lost Explorer (<click to read) blog about my super/collider collaboration.
Mesmerising Collages of Life in Outer Space
Nice feature about my print collaboration with super/collider went up today on Anothermag.com
super/collider Print collaboration
Just launched a 3 print collaboration with super/collider. Combining our mutual appreciation of Vintage Science and educational books,they donated a pile of their office library books to me to create these series of works. Can purchase prints directly through their site here And nice mention on Twin
Liberty Sunset
Planetoid Life
Time Traveller
Super/Collider Article
B Store Window - Frieze week
The B Store on Savile Row has asked me to create a window installation for Frieze week. It will be launching on 13th October, displayed for until November 5th. Super/collider interviewed me about my work and the exhibition. Also mentioned in Grafik mag online and Twin Magazine's blog